Sports Injuries

The treatment of sports injuries involves the use of many disciplines and techniques. Unfortunately most sportsmen and women make first contact with a physiotherapist when they are injured. There is no doubt that the correct treatment of an injury allows for a quicker return to training and competition however seeking advice form the correct team of practitioners prior to injury will not only decrease the risk of injury, it will also aid performance.

At ESIC we believe in getting the body to work in the most efficient, correct way as possible. It is often the case that poor alignment and muscle function go un noticed as they do not tend to cause pain until the later stages of the dysfunction. Correcting these issues opens the way up for rehabilitation of the core and kinetic chain. When the body can work at its optimum, results improve and the risk of injury decreases.

The Bite and the Sacrum

Problems with the temporomandibular joint can produce symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, pain at the jaw, the cheeks, the eyes or the face, clenching or grinding the teeth at night or under stress. It can cause a change in pressure of your bite and pain in your teeth.

The movement and balance of this joint is dependent on a number of things. This includes the correct alignment of the lower part of the body in particular the pelvis and sacroiliac joint. By working with the pelvis and lower back we aim to create a stable base for the rest of the body to work . Treatment often requires a combination of therapies and practitioners and success is more likely if we work in partnership with your dentist.

Effects of Growth

Children’s tendons and ligaments are generally stronger than the part of the bone they insert into. With trauma therefore it is more likely that the bone will be damaged before the tendon or ligament.

During growth spurts a child’s musculoskeletal system is at its most vulnerable as the imbalances of strength and flexibility and the changes which will be occurring in the bones, will be at their maximum.

Repetitive stresses which occur at this time can give syndromes such as Osgood- Schlatter’s, Sinding-Larson and Seiver’s. Although these occur in different places in the body, their mechanism of injury is similar.

Leg Length Differential

People with a misaligned pelvis can often have an apparent leg length differential. When there is a difference in leg length it is common that the mechanics of the foot become altered giving problems such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles pain. It may be that insoles are required however we would advise a podiatry assessment only after alignment of the sacroiliac joints and lower back has taken place.

Pelvic Alignment

Pelvic misalignment and instability is a major cause of back, buttock, hip and knee pain as well as many other related musculoskeletal issues.

When the pelvis is out of alignment then the spine does not sit correctly. The resultant forces can compromise the lumbar discs and cause neurological symptoms. Uneven weight transference can cause irregular wearing of a hip joint …and so forth.

Sports Massage

Sports massage can be used at various stages of training. The techniques are changed according to the effects required.

Foundation/conditioning phase –massage is used to promote recovery after intensive training.

Pre competition phase –as well as assisting in the mental preparation of the athlete, the techniques of sports massage allow the body’s systems to work with greater efficiency.

Competition phase – Massage assists in maintaining peak level of performance and reduces the risk of injury.

Recovery phase – Various techniques are used to assist the functions of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This allows for the reduction of stress in the musculoskeletal system, allowing the body to recover faster, promoting a more efficient return to training.

Remedial Massage

Massage is one of the oldest forms of physical medicine known to man. There are many techniques which can be used to various effects. It can give physical relief from pain and stress, assist in cleansing and stretching the body, help correct and align the musculoskeletal system and assist in the breakdown of fibrous material.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is used to relieve muscle tension and relax the body and mind. Gentle techniques are used to promote good circulation and lymphatic return. This is done by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of the blood returning to the heart. It is very good for increasing the level of oxygen in the area and removing toxins from the surrounding muscle tissues.

Postural Correction

Poor posture is all too common these days. Hunched shoulders from sitting at a computer or an increased curve in your lower back from weak abdominals are just two examples. Once a biomechanical check has taken place, to ensure the correct alignment of joints, then treatment can start. This consists of correcting the muscle imbalances that are common within these postures. It should not be assumed that tight muscle improve with stretching alone. Sometimes these muscles are tight because other areas are weak. Treatment consists of correcting muscle imbalances by planning a combination of strength and stretching exercises are specific to each individual.

Energy Work

It is common that the area of pain is not where the initial injury lies. By assessing the energy in the meridian pathways, areas of blocking and dysfunction can be identified. These areas are often asymptomatic and therefor often overlooked. Treatment of these areas is often a necessary part of the overall rehabilitation process. Massage techniques focusing on energy release are therefore incorporated into the treatment regime.